
Hole.io, is a browser-based multiplayer game. The game was published by Voodoo in 2018 and its popularity has grown rapidly. The game is designed in the form that players try to attract surrounding objects and other players by controlling a hole.

The goal of the game is to achieve the highest possible score by enlarging the hole and attracting surrounding objects. Players take opportunities to enlarge their holes and use their holes to attract other players. Players try to lower the scores of other players and increase their own scores by attracting other players.

Hole.io, offers players a fun and fast gaming experience with simple and easy-to-understand game mechanics. The fast-paced and fun nature of the game allows players to test their skills and speed.

The game is a game platform where up to 100 players can play at the same time with its multiplayer mode. The game can also be played on mobile devices and desktop computers.


Move left mouse button to control the hole's movement.